Multi-Site Measurement

MiniOmni Multi-Site Measurement Advantage

Sunlight MiniOmni and Omnisense™ are currently the only bone sonometers on the market that can measure at multiple skeletal sites. Multi-site testing provides a better chance of identifying individual cases of osteoporosis as well as enabling flexibility in testing patients who cannot be tested at a particular skeletal site. Multi-site measurement also has advantages in monitoring treatment results, because different bones may respond to treatment at different rates.

Multi-site MeasurementGetting the Whole Picture

Due to the systemic nature of osteoporosis, having a multi-site measurement option provides an overall picture of the skeleton and offers many advantages to the physician:

  • Combining measurement results of different skeletal sites can optimize fracture risk assessment*.
  • Using multiple measurement sites enables physicians to overcome the dilemma of how to diagnose patients who:
    • Have a clinical indication of osteoporosis but whose initial/single site measurement results do not support this.
    •  Require a more conclusive diagnosis

Monitoring Response to Treatment
Different bones respond to treatment at varying rates and degrees. Using multi-site measurements, the physician can identify and monitor small bone changes in a relatively short period of time, allowing more effective monitoring and treatment decisions when treating osteoporosis.

* Please note that the following features have not been cleared by the US FDA:

  • Measurement at the Tibia bone
  • Combining measurement results of different skeletal sites
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